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好莱坞配乐总谱解析 学习配乐 曲式分析 国外配乐大师分析配乐含视频总谱解析PDF文件 付费购买

乐谱相关 音频吧 381浏览
  1. 《银城枪客》Silverado
  2. 《异形系列》Alien Franchise
  3. 《星球大战》Star Wars
  4. 《极地特快》The Polar Express
  5. 《蝙蝠侠》Batman
  6. 《印第安纳琼斯》Indiana Jones
  7. 《外星人E.T.》E.T.
  8. 《木乃伊》The Mummy
  9. 《蝙蝠侠:动画系列》Batman_ The Animated Series
  10. 《星际迷航》Star Trek
  11. 《铁钩船长》Hook
  12. 《小鬼当家》Home Alone
  13. 《宾虚》Ben-Hur
  14. 《火箭手》The Rocketeer
  15. 《阿波罗13号》Apollo 13
  16. 《阴间大法师》Beetlejuice
  17. 《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption
  18. 《人工智能》A.I. Artificial Intelligence
  19. 《泰坦尼克号》Titanic
  20. 《第六感》The Sixth Sense
  21. 《金刚》King Kong
  22. 《查理和巧克力工厂》Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  23. 《空军一号》Air Force One
  24. 《超人总动员》The Incredibles
  25. JFK Arlington by John Williams
  26. 《危地狂奔》On Dangerous Ground
  27. 《蜘蛛侠2》Spiderman 2
  28. 《洛城机密》L.A. Confidential
  29. 《绿野仙踪》The Wizard of Oz
  30. 《神秘村》The Village
  31. 《少数派报告》Minority Report
  32. 《猩球崛起》Planet of the Apes
  33. 《驯龙高手》How to Train Your Dragon
  34. 《魔鬼一号》Capricorn One
  35. 《异形大战铁血战士2》Alien vs. Predator-Requiem
  36. 《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》Spider-Man Far From Home
  37. 《雪橇之旅》Sleigh Ride
  38. 《机器人总动员》Wall-E
  39. 《最后的武士》The Last Samurai
  40. 《星银岛》Treasure Planet
  41. 《侠盗王子罗宾汉》Robin Hood-Prince of Thieves
  42. 《玩具总动员》Toy Story
  43. 《黑客帝国》The Matrix
  44. 《天兆》Signs
  45. 《阿凡达》Avatar
  46. 《星际穿越》Interstellar
  47. 《欲望号街车》A Streetcar Named Desire
  48. 《迷魂记》Vertigo
  49. An Unending Story Analysis.pdf
  50. Beth and Nick Analysis.pdf
  51. Catherine & Roxy Analysis.pdf
  52. Crossed Legs Analysis.pdf
  53. Home Visit Analysis.pdf
  54. I Don’t Smoke Analysis.pdf
  55. Main Title Analysis.pdf
  56. Night Life Analysis.pdf
  57. Shadows & Profile Analysis.pdf
  58. The First Victim Analysis.pdf
  59. What’s Between You Analysis.pdf
  60. Your Wife Knew Analysis.pdf
  61. Catherine’s Sorrow.pdf
  62. Evidence Analysis.pdf
  63. It Won’t Sell Analysis.pdf
  64. Kitchen help Analysis.pdf
  65. Morning After Analysis.pdf
  66. One Shot Analysis.pdf
  67. Pillow Talk Analysis.pdf
  68. Roxy Loses Analysis.pdf
  69. She’s Really Sick Analysis.pdf
  70. The Games Are Over Analysis.pdf
  71. Wrong Name Analysis.pdf
  73. Alien Ship Powers Up.pdf
  74. AREA 51.pdf
  75. Cancelled Leave.pdf
  76. Dads a Genius.pdf
  77. Def Con 3 Analysis.jpg
  78. Dogfight.pdf
  79. Freak Show.pdf
  80. International Code Analysis.pdf
  81. Jolly Roger Analysis.pdf
  82. Just In Case.pdf
  83. Lost Soul analysis.pdf
  84. Mysto Bridge.jpg
  85. President’s Speech Analysis.pdf
  86. Satellite Collision.jpg
  87. Slimey Wakes Up Analysis.pdf
  88. The Launch Tunnel Analysis.pdf
  89. The Moon Analysis.pdf
  90. Asthma Attack Analysis.pdf
  91. Brazilian Video Analysis.pdf
  92. In The Corn Field Analysis.pdf
  93. Into the basement – analysis.pdf
  94. Roof Intruder Analysis.pdf
  95. Signs (2003) Analysis.pdf
  96. Signs Baby Monitor Analysis.pdf
  97. Signs.pdf
  98. The Hand of Fate 2 Analysis.pdf
  99. The Hand of Fate Analysis.pdf
  100. NEO ON THE EDGE Analysis.pdf
  101. Follow The White Rabbit Analysis.pdf
  102. Logos Analysis.pdf
  104. Ontological Shock.pdf
  105. Switch Woks Her Boar.pdf
  106. Thats’s Gotta Hurt.pdf
  107. Trinity Infinity Analysis.pdf
  108. Through The Surveillance Monitor.pdf
  109. We Slept In – Home Alone – John Williams.pdf
  110. A Hive of Villainy – Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  111. A Hot Hand – Home Alone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  112. An Ailing Monster – Jurassic Park (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  113. Approaching the Target – Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  114. As Time Goes By – Casablanca (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  115. Birth of the Twins – Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  116. Buyer Beware – The Dark Knight (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  117. Christmas Morning – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  118. Diagon Alley – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  119. Discombobulate – Sherlock Holmes (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  120. Drawing the Battle Lines – Star Wars Episode V Empire Strikes Back (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  121. Dumbledore’s Army – Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  122. Entry Into the Great Hall – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  123. Family Portrait – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis)_副本.pdf
  124. Family Portrait – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  125. Fighting With Grievous – Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  126. Finale – Home Alone – John Williams.pdf
  127. Gilderoy Lockhart – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  128. Hagrid’s Christmas Tree – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  129. Harry’s Wondrous World – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  130. Hedwig’s Theme – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  131. Here They Come – Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  132. Hogwarts Forever – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  133. Imperial March – Star Wars Episode V Empire Strikes Back (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  134. Jabba Source #1 – Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  135. John Wayne Enters the Basement – Home Alone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  136. Leia’s Instructions – Star Wars Episode V Empire Strikes Back (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  137. Main Theme – The Avengers (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  138. Main Titles – Home Alone – John Williams.pdf
  139. Main Titles – Milk (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  140. Main Titles – Star Trek The Motion Picture (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  141. Main Titles (Part One) – Casablanca (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  142. Main Titles (Part Two) – Casablanca (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  143. Many Mothers – Mad Max Fury Road (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  144. Moaning Myrtle – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  145. Mom Returns – Home Alone – John Williams.pdf
  146. Myrtle’s Tale – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  147. Platform Nine and Three Quarters – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  148. Princess Leia’s Theme – Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  149. Prologue – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  150. Quidditch – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  151. Raiders March – Raiders of the Lost Ark (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  152. Somewhere In My Memory – Home Alone – John Williams.pdf
  153. Sore Head – Home Alone – John Williams.pdf
  154. Standing By – Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  155. The Arrival at Hogwarts – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  156. The Attack Begins – Home Alone – John Williams.pdf
  157. The Death of Padme – Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  158. The Droid Invasion – Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  159. The First Kiss – Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  160. The Island Incident – Jurassic Park (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  161. The Magic of Halloween – ET (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  162. The Next Morning – Home Alone – John Williams.pdf
  163. The Snow Battle – Star Wars Episode V Empire Strikes Back (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  164. The Sorcerer’s Stone – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  165. Voldemort – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Score Reduction & Analysis).pdf
  166. The Shooting of Wilson.pdf
  167. War Horse
  168. Prisoner of Azkaban Werewolf Scene/Dementors Converge (Score Reduction and Analysis)
  169. Schindler’s List Auschwitz-Birkenau – John Williams (Score Reduction and Analysis)
  170. Superman Helicopter Rescue- John Williams (Score Reduction and Analysis)
  171. The Fury Gillian’s Power – John Williams (Score Reduction and Analysis)
  172. The Lost World The Island Prologue- John Williams (Score Reduction and Analysis)
  173. Olympic Fanfare and Theme
  174. Jurassic Park T-Rex Rescue and Finale – John Williams (Score Reduction and Analysis)
  175. Hook The Arrival of Tink – John Williams (Score Reduction and Analysis)
  176. Home Alone Escape Across The Ice – John Williams (Score Reduction and Analysis)
  177. Born on the Fourth of July

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