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Sonoris Mastering/Parallel Equalizer v1.0.4.0 WIN/MAC 修复版

插件效果器 音频吧 74浏览

The Sonoris Mastering Equalizer (SMEQ) is a parametric equalizer in VST, AU, AAX and RTAS format for Windows and Mac. It has selectable linear phase or minimum phase operation per band. The plugin is suitable for mixing and especially mastering and features 7 bands, including lowpass, highpass, peaking and shelving filters.

DATE:May 12 2019

Sonoris Mastering Equalizer v1.0.4.0 (WiN/OSX) FIXED (4.9 MB/4.2 MB)

The Sonoris Parallel Equalizer (SPEQ) is a minimum phase parametric equalizer in VST, AU, AAX and RTAS format for Windows and Mac. The plugin is suitable for mixing and especially mastering. It has fixed filter types on each band and band 2 to 6 are connected in parallel. The filters are build in a feedback/feedforward manner to provide cutting and boosting, like in analog graphic equalizers. Band 3 to 5 are constant-Q bells and 2 and 6 are shelves. Band 1 and 7 are low/high cuts and connected in series with the rest.

DATE:May 13 2019


Sonoris Parallel Equalizer v1.0.4.0 (WiN/OSX) FIXED (4.8 MB/4.2 MB)

Our Sonoris releases between 2015 and 2018 have timebomb issue. 

Protection changes in 2015 : 
* Serial Number check after longer usage 
* RSA public key modification check 

Once it bombs, it stops processing audio. 

We fixed in these new releases. However, if your computer have old license, 
it still cause timebomb as a result. Read included text carefully and re- 
register all plugins with our latest releases. 

We are very sorry we haven’t noticed this issue for a long time!

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