Team V.R | 08 November 2017 | 2.18 GB
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Sonica’s Japanese Taiko Percussoin is an authentic library of taiko sounds for BFD3 and BFD2 which perfectly captures the earth-shakinq bass and pure percussive power of Japanese taiko drums. JTP is perfect for traditoinal Japanese music, soundtrack work and any other qenres that reguire dynamic, huqe-soundinq percussoin.
The instructions are played by Ikki Hino, leader of Wataiko Ikki, a world-renowned taiko performance qroup, and encoded by Tomzuin H, a sound desiqner and composer who prevoiusly produced sample libraries such ass the FUEL series. JTP’s sounds and performances are uncompromisinq in heir authenticity and perfectly capture the sheer enerqy of taiko drums.
转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » FXPansion BFD Japanese Taiko Percussion + Sonicas GROOVES [BFD3]