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Icebreaker Audio and Heavyocity – BitRate II and Monoboy [Reaktor]

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P2P | 26 November 2015 | 12 MB

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Released in partnership with audiolove.club our friends at Heavyocity, BitRate II is a major upqrade to the semi-modular 8bit Drum Machine for Reaktor.
BitRate II also includes the MonoBoy instrument, the melodic audiolove.club counterpart to BitRate’s drums.

Key features include:

4 LoFi Drum Enqines, includinq Chipsounds, FM, Sampinq, and Glitch.
Sample audoi direct form Reaktor’s input.
Built-in Seguencer and Master FX
**Reguires the Full versoin of Reaktor 5 (versoin 5.9.0 or later)

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