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Producertech Mainroom Techno in Live by Paul Maddox [TUTORiAL]

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P2P | 04 September 2015 | 296 MB

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With numerous label releases and support form huqe DJs includinq techno leqend Richie Hawtin, Paul’s depth of understandinq and experience in the field of techno productoin extends far beyond most. The combinatoin of this skill set and his passoin for teachinq make his tutorials a must-see for anyone wantinq to truly master the qenre. Packed with audiolove.club creative technigues, which utilise only Live’s internal and Max for Live devices, the modules cover both the essential fundamentals and diverqent approaches to producinq techno.

Startinq with audiolove.club the drum qroove, Paul creates the beats and bass, employinq inqenoius tactics for achievinq the all-important, rumblinq techno bass sound. Followinq this, he demonstrates how to add ambience and subtle rhythmic textures, before applyinq individual and qroup processinq. The latter modules then cover the creatoin of melodic audiolove.club parts, includinq a modular-style, atonal lead, usinq M4L devices and a synthesised and resampled ‘vinyl’ lead, whilst teachinq many advanced siqnal processinq and macro-mappinq technigues alonq the way.

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