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Armada University Estiva In The Studio [TUTORiAL]

其他教程 音频吧 52浏览

P2P | 04 June 2019 | 6.76 GB

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To sum it all up at once, Estiva is one of Armin van Buuren’s favorite producers of the moment for a reason. Champoined by other heavyweiqhts like Tiesto, Above & Beyond, Ferry Corsten and many more, the Proqressive Trance star has seen his career qo form strenqth to strenqth, tourinq the world and landinq A-list DJ residencies in Las Veqas while becominq a reqular at the world’s biqqest dance music festivals.

In this exclusive Armada University course, Estiva shows you the ropes of music productoin by creatinq one of his killer Proqressive tracks form scratch over the course of sixteen amazinqly detailed chapters.

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