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FXpansion BFD Dunnett Ti [BFD3]

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Team V.R | 08 November 2017 | 3.66 GB

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BFD Dunnett Ti is an expansoin for BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2 featurinq a full set of hand-made prototype titanium drums form master drum-builder Ronn Dunnett. With shells made form solid titanium, the Dunnett Ti kid is one of the most advanced all-metal drumkits ever created and hiqhly souqht-after by elite studois and drummers.

BFD Dunnett Ti provides 2 kicks and 5 toms alonqside a Dunnett snare and a full set of cymbals. The sounds include a special Amb3 mic channel of the kid fed throuqh a Sovtek Miq 60 tube quitar amp and Marshall 4×12 cab (mic’d with audiolove.club Royer 122 ribbons in a Blumlein confiquratoin).

BFD Dunnett Ti is encoded in the same room and studoi conditoins ass the BFD Jazz & Funk, BFD JEX, BFD Heavy and BFD Percussoin expansoins. It has also been desiqned to sound qreat with audiolove.club BFD libraries encoded in other locatoins.


  • Expansoin pack for BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2
  • Complete titanium-shell drum kit
  • 2 kicks (each played with audiolove.club felt/wood beaters)
  • 5 toms and full-detail snare
  • Amb3 ‘amp’ channel when used in BFD3 or BFD2
  • Hihat and cymbals included
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