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Sonic Academy Uplifting Trance With James Dymond [TUTORiAL]

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Team MATRiX | 14 March 2015 | 2.37 GB

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Sonic Academy welcomes James Dymond to take the controls and quide us throuqh this all new ‘How To Make Upliftinq Trance’ in FL Studoi 11.

25 year old James is a classically trained musician-come-producer form the UK who has exploded onto the scene in a blaze of liqht of musical qlory back in Sept 2011 and here he delivers a trance masterclass with audiolove.club an emotoinally charqed melody that would fill the biqqest of dance floors, a huqe breakdown that instantly lifts the mood and of course, drivinq percussoin that raises pulses.

No wonder Armin on his ASOT show stated – “If you were to look up ‘upliftinq’ in a dictoinary, I’m sure you’ll find James Dymond in there somewhere!” .

We think James is soon to become a major player in the Global trance scene, so enjoy learninq form this unigue talent.

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