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Young Kio Saturn (Drum Kit) [WAV]

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FANTASTiC | 14 June 2019 | 108 MB


YoungKio dropped his first official product from an upcoming series called the saturn kit ( DRUMKIT ). This kit features all the sounds YoungKio uses in all of his beats. All the drums used in “Old Town Road” By Lil Nas X & Billy Ray Cyrus are in the kit aswell, mixed to perfection.

The kit contains:

  • 808s ( Mixed )
  • Chants
  • Claps
  • FX
  • Hihats
  • Kicks
  • Open Hats
  • Percs
  • Snares
  • Synth & Analog basses ( Some Extracted from real analog Synthesizers )
  • Mixed Voxes

I hope you enjoy the kit!

For support, questions or anything related to the product, please email: prodkio@gmail.com

NOTE: If the kit is successful, there might be a follow up. This is a way to support me as an artist / producer.

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