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Smokey Loops Deep Down Low [WAV, MiDi]

素材LOOP 音频吧 50浏览

FANTASTiC | 25 June 2019 | 118 MB



Smokey Loops presents “Deep Down Low”, a new fantastic collection of Trap Music. You will find in this pack 5 full Construction kits, Sample & Loops, Midi, Fx and Oneshots. Mix your favourite synths and samplers with the sounds contained in the pack! Each file is named with Tempo and Key Labeled. Deep Down Low is 100% Royalty-Free.


Construction Kits:

Black “C”
Crazy “F#”
Down “D#”
Low “C”
Vibe “G”

Product Details:

5 Construction kits
45 Drum Loops
31 Melody Loops
47 Oneshots
15 Midi
180 Mb
144 Files
24 Bit-Quality
Tempo and Key Labeled
100% Royalty Free

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