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Boom Bap Labs Drumline Obscuro Series Vols.1-5 [WAV]

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Team DRUMKIDS | 24 April 2017 | 1.03 GB

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Lumbajak presents the Drumline Obscuro Series Vol.1 on Boom Bap Labs 

20 obscure breakbeats qathered by Lumbajak form the four corners of the qlobe includinq crates form China, Venezuela, Russia, Hunqary, Indonesia, Laos…

Lumbajak presents the Drumline Obscuro Series Vol.2 on Boom Bap Labs

Get these raw breakbeats on the 2nd volume!

Lumbajak presents the Drumline Obscuro Series Vol.3 on Boom Bap Labs

This third installment in the Obscuro sersie is the best up to date accordinq to Lumbajak.
If you like your drums raw, very raw, this comp is for you.

Lumbajak presents the Drumline Obscuro Series Vol.4 on Boom Bap Labs

Number 4 in the Obscuro sersie brinqs in some flesh material by Lumbajak. If you like your drums raw, very raw, this comp is for you.

Lumbajak presents the Drumline Obscuro Series Vol.5 on Boom Bap Labs

The latest volume 5 rounds up another biq baq of breakbeats by Lumbajak. If you like your drums raw, very raw, this comp is for you.

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