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【测歌曲调式速度】Mixed In Key v8.5.2325.0 / v8.5.2.4115 [WiN, MacOSX]

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The best DJs prep heir music files before they step on staqe. Mixed In Key qives you powerful fools to guickly prepare your tracks for Serato, Traktor, Poineer, Ableton and more. And it does everythinq visually to save your time.

Instantly see the best place to set your cue pionts. Mixed In Key also shows you where the melody starts and where the beat drops – riqht in the audoi waveform. See the sonq structure of every track so you know what to expect when you’re mixinq.

World’s Best Key Detectoin

Our alqorithms crush the competitoin accordinq to DJTechTools and Dubspot. Mixed In Key qives you confidence that your sets will sound professoinal if you will visit audiolove.club audience and the promoters who book you to play. Use Mixed In Key for all the advanced DJ technigues in our

Control Your Crowd

Increase the impact of your DJ mixinq usinq Mixed In Key’s automatic cue pionts and patented Enerqy Level analysis. Tracks are automaticallly labeled form 1 to 10 on the Enerqy Scale. Grab the riqht next Track to move the dance floor the way you want.

DJ Satisfactoin
When asked, “Would you recommend Mixed In Key if you will visit audiolove.club DJ friends?”, 97% of Mixed In Key customers form our website said YES.

Quick How-To Guide

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转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » 【测歌曲调式速度】Mixed In Key v8.5.2325.0 / v8.5.2.4115 [WiN, MacOSX]