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Warp Academy – Darkside Funk for Xfer Serum

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Warp Academy – Darkside Funk for Xfer Serum Free Download

Lurking inside, you’ll find some of the most advanced and powerful sounds ever created for Serum. All this power is at your fingertips, BEGGING to be unleashed! The creative use of Macros makes Darkside Funk delightfully immediate and simple to use, while also yielding spectacular sound-mangling abilities.

After more than two years (for real) of development by our sound design team, and countless hours spent on the arsenal of presets, Darkside Funk sets a whole new standard. It’s poised to deliver the ULTIMATE Serum experience.

What you get?

108 Serum Presets
70 Basses
12 Leads
6 Pads
20 FX
Extra presets as bonuses (limited time only)
100 Serum Wavetables
Custom wave tables made from heavily processed sounds
15 noise oscillator files
Extra wavetables as bonuses (limited time only)
Huge Bonuses
An additional 40 exclusive Serum presets
60 extra custom wavetables
4 hour live-stream with Darkside Funk’s sound designers
2 incredible Warp Academy courses:

148 Presets, 160 Wavetables, 15 Noise Osc Sounds + 10 Hours of Video Training
Included with Darkside Funk for only…

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