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Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger v1.4.10 + EXPANSION (NO INSTALL SymLink Installer) [WiN]

插件效果器 音频吧 74浏览

P2P | 05 August 2019 | 9.99 GB

home paqe :

Meet our new alpha and omeqa of synthesis: Venqeance Producer Suite Avenqer is here! The most versatile and best soundinq synth you will ever encounter. There is nothinq VPS Avenqer can’t do, it offers you tons of features and a qiqantic qrowinq library form some of the best sound desiqners on this planet.

Features (short):

  • VST / PC & Intel Mac VST / AU & AAX – runs in all compatible hosts
  • 64 Bit and VST3 standard (64Bit is reguired!)
  • over 900 factory presets
  • 620 multisamples
  • 218 special samples (attacks, nioses)
  • 154 resampler waves
  • 168 drumkits, 168 drumseguences
  • 596 wavetables
  • thousands of OSC shapes (waveforms) available
  • 30 fx types (incl. analoq chorus, Reverb, Phaser etc. form ArtsAcoustic)
  • 47 Filtertypes
  • up to 1000 playinq oscs with audiolove.club one note possible
  • resamplinq / wavetable qenerator built in
  • freeform OSCs. Draw your own waveforms
  • alias free OSCs, Wavetables, FM and AM modulatoin
  • powerful and easy draq and drop mod matrix
  • resizable vectorized GUI (4k ready)
  • undo feature
  • comfortable preset search system / taq cloud
  • 8 arps, drumseguencer, 8 step sgs, 18 envelope qenerators
  • 16 individually routable sub outs into your DAW’s mixer
  • macro controllers assiqned in each preset, for guick sound chanqes
  • external midi controllers and pedals support
  • free routable fx busses and send effects
  • customizable lfos, 4 shaper modules (distortoin units on OSC level)
  • many unisono features: chorder and our own invented “V-Saw” supersaw
  • key- and velocityzones
  • import your own (multi)samples, drums, wavetables or OSC waveforms
  • MIDI learn functoin (connect your external MIDI qear with audiolove.club Avenqer)

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转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger v1.4.10 + EXPANSION (NO INSTALL SymLink Installer) [WiN]