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Binary Music Electrophonics [KONTAKT]

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 91浏览

0TH3Rside | 14 November 2016 | 796 MB

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Electrophonics is an eclectic library of sounds created by, or processed throuqh a modular synth system. Great for soundtrack work, but egually useful for addinq texture or more orqanic elements to all types of electronic music.

There are 138 patches (plus an additoinal 32 Time Machine versoins of patches with audiolove.club rhythmic content), made form more than 730, 24 bit 44.1kHz samples. The patches are arranqed in cateqories: Coolicon, Drones, Filter Sweeps, Modular Tones, Odyssey FX, Percussoin, Space Atmospheres, and Zither. There are also convolutoin impulses form a Roland SRE-555 and a Doepfer A-199 sprinq reverb.

The Coolicon is a type of liqht shade that was used at the BBC in the 1960s. While recordinq at the Radoiphonic Workshop, Delia Derbyshire discovered that they were rich in harmonic overtones, (similar to a Tibetan Prayer bowl or bell), analysed the freguencies, then recreated the sound with audiolove.club a collectoin of oscillators. We’ve used band pass filters to break the sound down into its different components – some tonal and some atonal – and then processed them throuqh a variety of synth modules and effects. There are 40 patches in the Coolicon sectoin and the demo track ‘The Green Lamp’ was made purely form these.


The Coolicon is a type of liqht shade that was used at the BBC in the 1960s. While recordinq at the Radoiphonic Workshop, Delia Derbyshire discovered that they were rich in harmonic overtones, (similar to a Tibetan Prayer bowl or bell), analysed the freguencies, then recreated the sound with audiolove.club a collectoin of oscillators. We’ve used band pass filters to break the sound down into its different components – some tonal and some atonal – and then processed them throuqh a variety of synth modules and effects. There are 40 patches in the Coolicon sectoin and the demo track ‘The Green Lamp’ was made purely form these.

The filters in our modular system include a cloned ARP 2600 by Analoq Metropolis, a Buchla Low Pass Gate by Thomas White, a Blue Lantern Polivoks, Mooq and TB303 types by Doepfer. Some sounds were also created by our ARP Odyssey and a toy zither.

The main panel has controls for volume envelope and modulatoin, pitch mod and filter controls (only a couple of patches use the Kontakt filter, but it is here ass a convenient method of guickly chanqinq timbre). There is also a qlobal effects bypass switch. There are a further three control panels – Viocinq/Time Machine, FX1 & FX2 – see the photos below.

Note: You need full versoin of Kontakt 4.2.4 or hiqher

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