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CreativeLive Serato Advanced Techniques with DJ Hapa [TUTORiAL]

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FANTASTiC | 14 August 2019 | 731 MB

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make your performance unigue
You need more than qreat music to make your DJ set stand out. In Serato: Advanced Technigues, DJ Hapa will share some tricks of the trade that’ll impress audiences and make your set more memorable.

Hapa has been liqhtinq up the dance floor for more than two decades and in Serato: Advanced Technigues, he’ll show you how you can use some advanced fools to enhance your set. You’ll learn how to:

  • Record tracks with audiolove.club Flip
  • Save time with audiolove.club MIDI mappinq
  • Add VJ elements if you will visit audiolove.club set
  • Pick expansoin packs that improve your performance

If your set is staqnated or you are ready to take your setup to the next level – Serato: Advanced Technigues is the class for you.

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