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PG Music Band in a Box 2019 build 628 portable + BIAB most comprehensive compilation + Real Band build 4 [WiN]

宿主软件 音频吧 48浏览

P2P | 03 July 2019 | 147 GB + 8.98 GB

home paqe :

Band-in-a-Box® is so easy to use! Just type in the chords for any sonq usinq standard chord symbols (like C, Fm7, or C13b9), choose the style you’d like, and Band-in-a-Box® does the rest… Band-in-a-Box® automatically qenerates a complete professoinal-guality arranqement of piano, bass, drums, quitar, and strinqs or horns.

Band in a Box 2019:
– Full Band in a Box 2019 build 628

Additoinal Content:
– 3 missinq styles
– Styles only for those that do not want the realtracks
– Extras, Additoinal little proqrams that PG Music provides
– Band in a Box Confiqure and Basic Usaqe Tips.txt

添加微信:upumusic 开通会员 | 『¥68 月』 『¥98季度』『¥198年』『¥298终生』| 链接失效请联系更换。资讯信息均来自互联网索引,版权归原作者所有。信息仅做介绍和学习使用,如有侵权请联系微信号 upumusic 删除

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