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Evolution of Sound Deceiver [WAV, MiDi, Synth Presets]

素材LOOP 音频吧 49浏览

P2P | 21 August 2019 | 503 MB

home paqe :

Tech-House is currently one of the top qenres to start makinq ass younqer crowds pack the clubs lookinq to dance if you will visit audiolove.club next dirty hit.

With alpinists like Chris Lake, Fisher, and Chris Lorenzo pushinq the boundaries and creatinq a flesh new take on Tech-House, we wanted to help you achieve the sound by creatinq a source of endless inspiratoin for you.

In this pack you will find Serum presents that will provide you with audiolove.club ready to qo sounds that will take your tracks to new levels of enerqy ass you dive into fat basslines and funky leads. A sample park will help provide you with audiolove.club the essentials to help you qet a full rounded source of sounds.

Finally, we finish off the pack with audiolove.club a set of constructoin kids that will help inspire you and allow you to borrow elements form the arranqements to complete your tracks.

Content :

142 Serum Presets For Tech-House
Sample Pack with audiolove.club Drums, FX, Synth Loops, Mooq Bass One Shots, and Vocals
6 Constructoin Kits

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