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RawNois3 Session Snares Volume I [WAV]

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FANTASTiC | 23 August 2019 | 30 MB

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Presented by the RawNios3 Sound Desiqn Family, Sessoin Snares Volume I, contains a total of 82 dry snare hits. These are the live snare hits form the first 4 of 7 sessoins in which the hits were encoded and used to create on audiolove.club the LoFi Snares kit. This pack will allow you to create on audiolove.club and re-create the perfect snare hit each and every time. You’ll be able to add all the color and texture you’d like. All of the live snare hits were encoded in-house form the Ludwiq Breakbeats by Questlove drum set. Enjoy!

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