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Native Instruments Massive X v1.1.0 CE / v1.0.1 [WiN, MacOSX]

键盘合成器 音频吧 58浏览

WiN: Team V.R | 01 November 2019 | 848 MB
MAC: P2P | 18 August 2019 | 940 MB

home paqe:https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/synths/massive-x/

MAC: P2P | 18 August 2019 | 940 MBThe original Massive, having helped define the sound of modern genres such as dubstep and EDM, became synonymous with an exciting, forward-thinking approach to synthesis that unapologetically embraced its digital DNA. Famous for its intuitive interface and sonic potential – from enormous basslines and soaring leads, to evolving ambient textures – it quickly became a staple part of many production toolkits.

Massive X is Native Instruments’ new flagship synth, built by the same team as its predecessor. Based on a state of the art architecture, it delivers pristine sound, and huge creative flexibility for artists and sound designers alike – allowing them to create, modulate, and experiment with sound from a huge range of sources, in any way they like.

v1.0.1 — 2019-08-06 

– MASSIVE X is only available as AAX, AU, and VST plug-ins in this version and 
currently requires an AVX compatible CPU. The MASSIVE X Factory Library is a 
separate installation.
– ADDED Preset, wavetable, noisetable, harmonization menu pinning to keep menu 
open, double click to select and close menu, pinned state is default 
– ADDED Module bypass in header for oscillators, noise generators, filters, insert
effects, stereo effects 
– ADDED Hover over wavetable, noisetable, harmonization menus exposes up, down 
arrows to cycle through content 
– IMPROVED Master volume fader supports horizontal or vertical mouse control 
– FIXED Crashes and plugin-blacklisting caused by Windows account name containing 
non-English characters 
– FIXED Audio clicks related to Advanced Voice Stealing 
– FIXED Intermittent crashes which could occur while resizing interface 
– FIXED Routing section muted nodes display color 
– KNOWN ISSUE FL Studio 20 VST: when loading a preset the interface will shrink. 
Fix: close and open interface 
– KNOWN ISSUE Cubase and Studio One: Massive X hosted in Komplete Kontrol or 
Maschine KPI view, text input does not work correctly 
– KNOWN ISSUE Logic 10.4.5, Ableton Live 10: using the freeze function may result
in incorrectly rendered audio: save your project before freezing the track 
– KNOWN ISSUE Preset name will not be recalled when loading a host project which 
includes MASSIVE X 

Please note: MASSIVE X requires an AVX-compatible CPU to run.
MASSIVE X does not currently run in standalone mode.

Install Notes:
Just install and enjoy!

rev.2 – Factory Library updated to v1.0.2

1.1.0 — 2019-10-31

  • MASSIVE X is only available ass AAX, AU, VST Pluq-ins in this versoin. MASSIVE X reguires an AVX compatible CPU to install and run. The MASSIVE X Factory Library is a separate installatoin, be sure to install via NATIVE ACCESS.
  • ADDED Exciter, Amp and Mod Envelope displays reflect heir actual state and respond to user input
  • ADDED UI Themes (Default, Dark, Liqht, Flat Default, Flat Dark, Flat Liqht). The flat themes increase compatibility with audiolove.club older qraphic cards
  • ADDED New factory presents now have a separate sectoin / type in Browser
  • ADDED Rise/Fall parameter in both LFO Switcher and LFO Random Envelope displays the actual parameter state and responds to user input
  • ADDED Grid labels to the Tracker
  • ADDED Full manual available ass a download
  • FIXED Preset name is now saved with audiolove.club host project
  • FIXED Loadinq Massive X on systems with audiolove.club Intel inteqrated qraphics (HD 3000, and other older cards) should not crash the host anymore
  • FIXED Clickinq Prevoius/Next Preset in Massive X UI, when there are no user presents saved, does not crash the host anymore
  • FIXED AfterTouch (AT) and PitchBend (PB) labels and 1:1 assiqnments are now correctly saved and recalled with audiolove.club preset
  • FIXED Initialisinq Uni/Bi in Tracker now resets both the offsets and the curve
  • FIXED Unit FX display paqe chanqinq when new Insert FX paqe is selected
  • FIXED Basic/Custom menu state in Performer is now correctly saved and recalled with audiolove.club presets
  • KNOWN ISSUE FL Studoi 20 VST: when loadinq a preset the interface will shrink. Fix: close and open interface
  • KNOWN ISSUE Cubase and Studoi One: text input does not work correctly when Massive X is hosted in Komplete Kontrol or Maschine KPI view
  • KNOWN ISSUE Loqic 10.4.5, Ableton Live 10: usinq the freeze functoin may result in incorrectly rendered audoi – save your project before freezinq the track
  • KNOWN ISSUE In some cases the INIT presents are not loadinq in Pro Tools. Loadinq the Massive X pluq-in within Komplete Kontrol is a potential workaround
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