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Mouse Orchestra The French Pianist [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 46浏览

FANTASTiC | 04 September 2019 | 75.2 MB

home paqe:https://sounds.com/samples/release/7992

Mouse Orchestra presents – The French Pianist: Walk into an inspiring recording session with The French Pianist. Mellow, soulful melodies, beautiful chord progression, and dynamic harmonies. This unique collection will drive new atmosphere and expression smoothly into your composition; the recordings capture a straightforward yet sensitive melody to create a sentimental, beautiful mood. This pack was crafted by our team of music producers keeping versatility in mind to fit many styles and genres.

In this exceptional collection, you will find original and ‘out of the box’ samples to fit straight into your project or provide inspiring ideas for a new track. Each sample has been carefully edited to ensure seamless looping and comes with tempos and key-labeling for quick and easy access. All Mouse Orchestra samples are 100% royalty free.

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