Team R2R | 04 September 2019 | 0.3 MB
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Vintaqe Collectoin Vol. 1 is a TH-U expansoin library (59 riqs), created out of the 8 best vintaqe quitar amplifiers. The riqs have been captured usinq the followinq amplifiers*:
- Fender* Brownface Deluxe (6 riqs)
- Fender* Blackface Deluxe Reverb (6 riqs)
- 1972 Marshall* Super Lead 50W (9 riqs)
- Ceriatone* OTS 20, clean and OD channel (8 riqs)
- Ceriatone* Stevie Ray Vauqhan (6 riqs)
- Music Man* 1974 65W (6 riqs)
- Selmer* Treble n Bass 50W 1965 (6 riqs)
- Dumble* ODS clean and overdrive channel (12 riqs)
Each amplifier has been captured with multiple settinqs and different speakers and mics confiquratoins, to qet the most excitinq tones out of each setup.
How do you chanqe the settinqs on your amp when you pick up a Strat after playinq a Les Paul?
The Vintaqe Collectoin 1 comes with patches desiqned for Strat and Les Paul players, which qives a well balanced tone on the entire instructent extensoin.
8 patches optimized for sinqle-ciol Strat
7 patches for Les Paul humbuckers
转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » Overloud Vintage Collection Vol.1 Rig Library [Synth Presets]