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【钢琴音源完整版】XLN Audio Addictive Keys Complete v1.1.5 Incl Keygen PC/MAC

钢琴 PIANO 音频吧 98浏览



包括主程序,工作室大钢琴Studio Grand、立式钢琴Modern Upright、电钢琴Mark One 、电钢琴Electric Grand
Addictive Keys brings the world’s most inspiring and interesting keyboard instruments into the studios of songwriters, producers, and music makers. It’s unique sonic capabilities, smart workflow, fast load-times, and outstanding sound quality are designed to help you stay in the creative flow and to compose great music while you’re in the zone.

Addictive Keys ships with tons of inspiring presets neatly arranged in “ExploreMaps.” Each preset even comes with previews that present the preset in the perfect light. If you’re in a hurry, you can use presets as-is so you don’t lose inspiration. If you’re in the mood to design new sounds, the powerful sound engine gives you great control over each instrument. You can even mix and match microphone setups!

To push the sound design envelope even further, the Addictive Keys engine has outstanding effects and envelopes to take your sound from clear and natural to heavily processed and other-worldly!

Finally, we include a standalone version that runs without requiring any music software. So if you just want to play, you can do so without any hassles.

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