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【声效效果语音包】Sonokinetic: Trailer Voice Bundle – Vol. 1-2-3

音效特殊 音频吧 142浏览

ISO | WAV | MP3 | PDF Guide 资源大小:6.46 GB


Sonokinetic is renowned for producing very original top quality sample libraries and digital musical instruments.

Ranging from authentic vocal and instrumental multi-samples & performances to next-level symphonic phrase based instruments to more traditional instruments, Sonokinetic products cover a lot of ground.

Using only the best instruments, acoustics and technology and hiring top-notch musicians for recording we try to deliver the best tools for our customers.

We take great care in ‘translating’ the recorded material to highly usable instruments whilst preserving the characteristics that made us want to record it, and making sure our products can add realism to any track.

Please feel free to contact us for any of your questions or feedback on our products or company.

And enjoy our products!

CEO Son Thomsen

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