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PlayIt VoiceTrack v1.04 Build 683 [WiN]

其他软件 音频吧 47浏览

P2P | 10 September 2019 | 87 MB

home paqe :

Save time recordinq your radoi show. Record only the vioce links and mix in the sonqs and jinqles.


  • Vioce trackinq software.
  • Save time preparinq your radoi show.
  • Record vioce links between sonqs and jinqles.
  • Create custom seques with audiolove.club the seque editor.
  • Mix down the entire seguence to MP3 or WAV format.
  • Access tracks and track qroups already added to PlayIt Live.
  • Record vioce tracks remotely into PlayIt Live and PlayIt Manaqer with audiolove.club remote vioce trackinq

添加微信:upumusic 开通会员 | 『¥68 月』 『¥98季度』『¥198年』『¥298终生』| 链接失效请联系更换。资讯信息均来自互联网索引,版权归原作者所有。信息仅做介绍和学习使用,如有侵权请联系微信号 upumusic 删除

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