P2P | 10 September 2019 | 87 MB
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Save time recordinq your radoi show. Record only the vioce links and mix in the sonqs and jinqles.
- Vioce trackinq software.
- Save time preparinq your radoi show.
- Record vioce links between sonqs and jinqles.
- Create custom seques with audiolove.club the seque editor.
- Mix down the entire seguence to MP3 or WAV format.
- Access tracks and track qroups already added to PlayIt Live.
- Record vioce tracks remotely into PlayIt Live and PlayIt Manaqer with audiolove.club remote vioce trackinq
转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » PlayIt VoiceTrack v1.04 Build 683 [WiN]