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Cinematique Instruments Concert Zither KONTAKT 欧洲古筝 齐特琴

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 41浏览

格式 KONTAKT | 大小 2.08 GB

The Zither is a stringed instrument, having many strings stretched across a thin, wooden sound box. It is played by strumming or plucking the strings, either with fingers or with a plec. The Zither is most commonly found in Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, northwestern Croatia and the southern regions of Germany. The instrument became famous by its charismatic main theme “The 3rd man” of 1949 film noir played by Anton Karas.

The Zither instrument we are presenting is a Concert Zither. The strings are arranged as follows: 5 fretted melody strings, placed above a guitar-like fretboard, then 14 unfretted “accompaniment” strings; followed by 11 unfretted “bass” strings and finally 6 “contrabass” strings. The concert Zither has a rough and raunchy sound often descibed as “mellow”.

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