Team R2R | 26 September 2019 | 5.4 MB
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Glass Viper is a synthesizer with unique waveform shaping, that has a deep and natural sense of movement. Going beyond analogue simulation, into a truly organic sound, from simple old synths to grungy filthy basses, or delicate pianos to strange unnatural film effects.
Synthesizer plug-in
* Unique and organic synthesis.
* Wave shaping with 16 LFO’s.
* Continuously changing waveform.
* Easy to edit, basic interface.
* 4 Voices per instrument.
* LFO Envelopes with speed and gain slopes.
* 4 Delay lines per instrument.
* Reverb and chorus effects.
* Comprehensive copy and paste features.
What is it?
Glass Viper is a synthesizer with unique waveform shaping, that has a deep and natural sense of movement. Going beyond analogue simulation, into a truly organic sound, from simple old synths to grungy filthy basses, or delicate pianos to strange unnatural film effects.
Instead of taking a sample or oscillator and applying just filters and FX techniques, Glass Viper bends the actual shape of its waveforms through a series of moving control points. Up to four of these swirling and changing sounds can be layered together to create a huge range of instruments. Glass Viper allows you to really shake things up with a deep, natural sense of movement.
转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » QuikQuak Glass Viper v1.4.2 [WiN]