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TRX Machinemusic Ambient Halflight Vol.2 – Uneasy Futurism [WAV]

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FANTASTiC | 02 October 2019 | 393 MB

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Second in the Ambient Halflight series, a pack offering a stunning collection of generative ambiences, perfectly tailored for film and television, meditation, installation, or ambient experimental work. These ambiences can be mixed and layered or faded and looped, and provide stunning and immersive listening experiences as self-contained works in and of themselves. Ambient Halflight Vol. 2 is rendered with a slightly more dystopian hue than it’s predecessor – bespoke layers paying specific homage to some of the classic science fiction masterpieces of the last 30 years, including those masterfully scored by Hans Zimmer, Jerry Goldsmith and the inimitable Clint Mansell.

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