Team R2R | 17 October 2019 | WiN: 4.6 MB | MAC: 7.3 MB
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Bass Vitalizer
Knorr is a plugin that adds intensity and edge to a monophonic low frequency audio source (like a bass). The algorithm adds overtones to an existing sound in a way that isn’t possible with ordinary distortion or filtering.
The Knorr Algorithm
The underlying algorithm uses a combination of filtering, amplitude- and frequency modulation to process incoming audio. Knorr is developed with bass sounds in mind, but can be used on any monophonic sound source as long as there is audio content available in the low mids (and below).
Unique algorithm that adds overtones to the original sound in a way that can’t be done using other bass-shaping methods.
Three different intensity levels for the algorithm.
X/Y-pad for finding your tone in no time.
Good for all monophonic instruments within the bass – low mid range.
转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » Klevgrand Knorr v1.0.0 [WiN, MacOSX]