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Memorymoon Messiah v2.1 [WiN]

键盘合成器 音频吧 133浏览

P2P | 29 November 2019 | 26.1 MB

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Messiah design is inspired by Prophet5.

– Morph oscillator with 4 waveforms.

– Unison oscillator with 7 voices (and you can put this oscillator into 8 voice unison for 56 voices).

– Flexi oscillator that consist of 2 seperate waves that can perform PWM, ring mod and phase distortion with very low CPU.

The synth has a 16 step gate with controls for pitch, cutoff and harmonics (overtones) for all 16 steps.

Max number of oscillators stacked in unison mode: 32 from the morph and flexi oscillators + 56 from the unsion oscillator. Total: 88 oscillators.

Polyphony: 8 voices.

It will perform well both as a live and studio instrument. It responds well to aftertouch and the mod wheel is very important when playing the Messiah synth. It has low cpu and expanded arpeggiator section that makes it a great production tool.

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