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ADSR Sounds VPS Avenger Masterclass [TUTORiAL]

其他教程 音频吧 52浏览

SYNTHiC4TE | 24 September 2017 | 5.35 GB

VPS Avenger Masterclass – Every feature and function explained. Discover the depth and power of Avenger and put these features to work for you. Led by veteran instructor, Echo Sound Works , this is a comprehensive course that goes well beyond any manual with practical tips and tricks that will plant Avenger into your regular production workflow.

This 28-part video masterclass is as much a lesson in sound design as it is a deep dive introduction to Avenger. Totalling over 4.5 hours of hands on instruction, this mammoth course shows you exactly what everything does and – more importantly – how to use Avenger when you’re designing sounds irl.

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