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Audio Silence Trimmer Pro 1.1.9 WIN

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Description: Audio Silence Trimmer Pro helps to remove silence from multiple audio files together. You can just give it a list of files to trim as opposed to having to do them individually. It comes with a minimalistic, user-friendly interface that integrates straightforward controls, making it highly accessible and efficient at the same time.
According to your preference, you can either trim the silence at the beginning, end, beginning and end or perform a total trim of the audio file, which removes all the silence within your recording.
This software is really handy to remove unwanted silent parts. It will also trim audio files size and just the relevant audio tracks will be left for you.
Helps you trim silent fragments of your files
This application can come in handy whenever you need to remove silence bits from your audio recordings without manually selecting and removing the said fragment.
Doing so can be achieved by providing the tool with the corresponding files, selecting your preferred method, adjusting a minimum non-silence duration (in seconds) and clicking the Process button.
Importing the files can be done by either manually selecting each item, which can be done by clicking the cross-shaped button, or by loading an entire folder’s worth of items.
Four processing modules and minimum configuration
According to your preference, you can either trim the silence at the beginning, end, beginning and end or perform a total trim of the audio file, which removes all the silence within your recording.
The standard Options window enables you to specify what prefix should the name of your output files contain by typing it in the designated field. Leaving an empty field reverts to the default ôTarget_ö prefix instead of using no prefix at all.
Lightweight audio silence trimmer with few adjustable parameters
As a conclusion, Audio Silence Trimmer Pro is a simple audio editing tool that can help you remove the silent bits of your audio recordings easily. It comes with a minimalistic, user-friendly interface that integrates straightforward controls, making it highly accessible and efficient at the same time.

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