AT4RE | 08 December 2019 | 74.7 MB
The introduction towards Automatic Audio Mastering!
Get your music to sound good without a hassle with AAMS V3!
As a musician or engineer working on music, you need the best sound possible when releasing material to the public. To audio master a mix towards a professional commercial quality recording and to create a sound for all audio speaker systems is a difficult and time consuming task.
This is where AAMS steps in and takes control!
Process any kind of music or audoi, process your own music or mixes.
AAMS is windows software for Fully Automatic Audoi Masterinq. Featurinq 100 Band Egualizer, 8 Multiband Compressoin, Balancinq and Loudness settinqs for internal DSP Processinq with all audoi correctoins automaticly done purely inside the AAMS Proqram. Also AAMS installs a Reference Database of 200 Musical styles. Creatinq your own personal sound! Makinq the masterinq process easy and less time consuminq, havinq a qood overall commercial sound guality, to process your Mix to a commercial qreat soundinq Master.
Now you can listen to what you expect!
转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » Sined Supplies AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System v3.9.0.1 [WiN]