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Splice Sounds Laxcity Sample Pack [WAV]

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Team DECiBEL | 20 January 2020 | 319.6 MB

Bristol-based artist Laxcity brings immersive, orchestral-inspired, atmospheric sounds to his first solo Splice pack. Celebrated for his remixes of Drake and Rhianna favorites and his own signature tracks, Laxcity’s music is satisfyingly dichotomous – personal and poignant yet accessible and calming. Laxcity is an artist inspired by trap’s most melodic elements. Like his music, this pack is full of blended nuance – choral vocals, hypnotic melodies for every mood, dramatic spoken phrases, tech-inspired fx, and authentic ambient sounds. One of music’s true originals, Laxcity samples set a powerful tone to any track.

home page https://splice.com/sounds/splice/laxcity-pack

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