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Sonic Underworld Atrea [Synth Presets]

合成器预置 音频吧 43浏览

P2P | 23 January 2020 | 1 MB

Repro-5 Atrea is a collection of 150 modern cinematic analog patches for u-he’s Repro-5 synth.

It is cinematic by nature, offering modern analog sounds in multiple categories. It is equally usable for dark atmospheric and ambient tracks.

Repro-5 Atrea offers lush distant atmospheres, cinematic pads, deep and punchy basses, rhythmic pulses, unusual fx’s, inspiring keyboards and modern analog synth sounds.

These sounds borrow from a variety of influential artists such as Melodysheep, Ulrich Schnauss, Air and Tangerine Dream and noted composers such as Tom Raybould, Anthony Gonzales, Joseph Trapanese and Wojciech Golczewki.

Many patches offer added adaptability programmed into the modwheel and aftertouch and velocity are used for more expression, to make these sounds come alive.

home page https://sonicunderworld.com/repro-5-atrea/

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