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Hyper Space House [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 56浏览

Team DECiBEL | 24 January 2020 | 499.1 MB

90’s electro-infused spacey House Music has been making its way back recently. London and Berlin clubs have been leading the sound since the early 2016’s with the new school leaders of the sound like Binh, Francesco Del Garda and Riccardo.

Coming up through minimal gusts of melodies, electro riddin grooves and acid lines this sound brings a freshness to dance floor. Our production team has gone through the genre to understand and came up with this stunning pack. First of its kind. We present you the Space House!

All loops are served at 128bpm

41 Full Drum Loops
32 Hat & Top Loops
21 No Kick Loops
20 Percussion Loops
22 Clap & Snare Loops
20 Kick Loops
35 Bass Loops
34 Synth Loops
17 Pads & Textures
20 SFX
60 Drum Hits
12 Bass Hits
10 Synth Hits

home page https://samplemarket.co.uk/samples/space-house-2

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