HCiSO | 05 February 2020 | 28 MB
Bongiovi DPS is a patented algorithm that optimizes audio in real time. DPS Profiles are created and implemented for ultimate audio flexibility in any sound scenario.
At the heart of DPS is our profile system. A DPS profile contains over 120 calibration points that configures the patented DPS algorithm. Each profile is carefully crafted by Bongiovi acoustic engineers. These profiles are used to optimize the audio signal in real-time; for the output device (speakers), environment (high noise), and to emphasize a “sound” or other desired effects .
Below are a few examples of how Bongiovi DPS can work for you:
► Upgrade the performance of headphones and earbuds
Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers have created custom profiles for many popular headphones and earbuds. These profiles correct for any audio deficiencies and provide an overall improvement in sound quality.
► Improve the sound of small speaker systems
Portable speakers, clock radios, laptops, tablets and mobile phones all sacrifice audio quality for portability. Bongiovi DPS excels at creating an optimized audio signal for small speakers. This means louder overall output, clarity for soft recordings, better bass response and enhanced stereo imaging.
► Maximize the sound of large speaker systems
Home theater, car audio, PA systems and more. Bongiovi DPS will significantly improve the audio quality of these systems.
► Improve the sound of TVs or multimedia displays
Movies can have very loud or very soft passages. Bongiovi DPS can normalize the volume (DRC) of all multimedia content in a way that sounds natural and brings out details normally only heard in a movie theater.
► Automatic sound mixing/mastering
Some applications, like Karaoke, require blending several sounds together in real time. Even a professional sound engineer can experience less than desirable results mixing audio on an app. Bongiovi DPS Technology can automatically help blend music, voice and other sounds with the press of a single button.
► Recondition the sound of internet audio streams
Real time internet audio can have inconsistent volume, content quality and frequency response issues. The active components of Bongiovi DPS Technology can easily provide a consistent, quality listening experience for any audio stream.
► DPS will vastly improve any audio application you can think of.
► Increase clarity in high noise environments
If your audio needs to be heard in a crowded or noisy environment, then DPS is your solution. DPS Technology was originally invented to provide high quality audio in the noisy environment of small private airplanes.
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