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PUREMIX Start to Finish Greg Wells Episode 12 Mastering Part 2 [TUTORiAL]

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SYNTHiC4TE | 11 February 2020 | 582 MB

In the final episode of Greg Well’s Epic Start To Finish Series, Greg and Brian Lucey of Magic Garden Mastering, complete the master of Bryce Drew’s “Lucky Number”.

In part 1 of this two part mastering video, Greg and Brian cleaned up some areas of the mix with digital EQ, did broad tonal shaping with Brian’s well curated analog mastering chain, and focused on a few key moments of the song with specific techniques.

In part 2, watch as Brian and Greg:

Discuss Loudness
Emphasize the bass
Discuss revisions, communication, and collaboration
Fix some “crunchiness”
Keep the energy building throughout the master
Manage the low end
Complete the production of “Lucky Number”!

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