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Babelson Audio FD2N Russian Edition v1.1.1 [WiN]

插件效果器 音频吧 67浏览

Team R2R | 28 February 2020 | 8 MB


2 Band Tube Equalizer:

HIGH: Determines the high frequency & Saturator.
HIGH GAIN: Boosting high frequency level.
BASS: Determines the low frequency.
BASS GAIN: Boosting low frequency level.
DRIVER: The driver is adding a very subtle and pleasing harmonic distortion to the signal. This ends up boosting the harmonics above the normal range you expect to hear which creates a sense of fullness. When an entire song has each track featuring this warmth, you get an extremely full sound.


Class A 2-band Tube equalizer
Low: shelving, typical Boost/Cut controls.
High: shelving, stepped frequency controls.
Drive: Boosting harmonics.

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