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SkillShare Sound Design Create Power FX for Music Production [TUTORiAL]

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FANTASTiC | 29 February 2020 | 283 MB

This is my term for huge sounds with a long sustain, which can be percussive or pitched sound. Power hits are used on exact transition point for accent, and as a way to draw attention to the new section or part.

Power hits are not only used for transitions though. They can also effectively be used as big accents on let’s say every 4 bar for example.

Examples of power hits in percussive type sounds are the classic cymbal crash…as well as explosions and impact type sounds that rumble. The main point is that the sound should sustain, like a big bell sound ringing out.

Examples of power hits that are pitched, are sustained power chords….braaahms….and long distorted notes…

You will now learn from practical live examples and demonstrations: how to create your own Power Hits in various styles. So let’s amp up the power of your music, right now!

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