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Lynda Using Reason As A Plugin [TUTORiAL]

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Team DECiBEL | 04 March 2020 | 242.7 MB

Learn about using Reason as a complete virtual music studio, or from within other music applications as a plugin. Instructor Nate Mars begins with a walk-through of the Reason interface and demonstrates the basics of using the application before moving on to demonstrate how to utilize the Reason Rack Plugin to add a variety of synthesizers, sampled instruments, and effects to other digital audio workstations (DAWs). Plus, see a few advanced techniques for creative sound design with Reason.

Topics include:

  • Exploring the Reason interface
  • Drawing multiple MIDI notes
  • MIDI note editing
  • Creating audio clip crossfades
  • Quartet chorus ensemble
  • Sweeper modulation
  • Channel EQ and dynamics
  • Using Reason as a plugin in a DAW
  • Creating combos of combinators
  • Advanced routing and modulation

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