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PG Music Real Tracks for Band in a Box and Real Band Sets 1-253 (MAC)

音乐制作 音频吧 60浏览


Description: RealTracks replace the MIDI track for that instrument, and can be controlled just like the MIDI instrument (volume changes, muting etc.). They follow the chord progression that you have entered, so you hear an authentic audio accompaniment or solo. RealTracks are not “samples”à They are full recordings, lasting from 1 to 8 bars at a time, playing in perfect sync with the other tracks. Choose from pre-made Band-in-a-Box« Styles, or combine RealTracks instruments to make your own band.
You’ll want to use RealTracks in all of your projectsà and you can! Adding REAL instruments played by TOP MUSICIANS to your compositions brings an exciting human element à and that’s just the beginning!

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