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Splice Explores Noise [WAV]

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Team DECiBEL | 23 March 2020 | 420.0 MB

Noise is all around us, both natural and human made. While noise is defined as “unwanted, or unpleasant”, it is in fact an integral component of sound design and composition. Drum, percussion, and even melodic sounds can be synthesized and sculpted using various noise profiles as a starting point, and producers often use tape hiss, vinyl crackle, and other noise to add depth to their compositions.

Noise includes all types of broad frequency “disturbances”, such as crackles, pops, hisses, hums, and tones. This pack explores noise both generated from analogue synthesizers and sampled from the real world. In addition to being presented in raw form ready for manipulation, these natural and synthesized noises have been filtered and edited into drums, one-shots, sound fx, and melodic elements ready to add interesting depth to your production.

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