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MIDIssonance Omnisphere Bundle [Synth Presets]

Omnisphere 预置 音频吧 58浏览

P2P | 06 April 2020| 1.35 GB

Omnisphere Bundle is a collection of top quality sounds produced for Omnisphere 2.6 – includes all of MIDIssonance soundsets for Omnisphere 2.

Included are:

  • Omnisphere Symmetry
  • Omnisphere Mondo
  • Omnisphere Signalo
  • Omnisphere Kinejo
  • Omnisphere Movado
  • Omnisphere Tajdo
  • Omnisphere Kubo

Total number of patches: 974
Total number of custom soundsources: 256

Patches by category:

ARP + BPM: 370
Basses: 42
Leads: 45
Textures: 207
Pads: 165
Playable instruments: 77
Impacts & Hits: 45
FX: 23

To use Omnisphere Bundle, you need to have v2.3.1 installed (patch and software version). To install it, open Omnisphere 2 and from the Utility menu choose Install .omnisphere – see HERE

home page https://midissonance.com/soundsets/omnisphere-bundle

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