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Tom Wolfe Aether for Analog Four [Synth Presets]

合成器预置 音频吧 45浏览

Team DECiBEL | 11 April 2020 | 0.1 MB

A pack of 64 cinematic industrial patches, from gritty percussive elements to strange textures, for Elektron Analog Four MKI, MKII & Analog Keys. Focusing on the darker side of synthesis, this sound pack features heavy use of Elektron’s beautiful analog filter drive and creative LFOs to make something for composers who can find beauty in the darkness.

For fans of: Bird Box, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Social Network

Aether is compatible with Analog Four MKI, MKII & Analog Keys with OS 1.22 or later installed, and ships with two versions – one for MKI and Keys, and one tweaked for MKII

home page https://www.tomwolfe.co.uk/product/aether-for-analog-four/

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