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Rast Sound India Vocals [KONTAKT]

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 52浏览

Team DECiBEL | 11 April 2020 | 702.2 MB

Long awaited India Vocals captures the vocal culture with 3 top performers and offers a wealth of performances and instruments.

Music is an essential ingredient in the lives of people in India. In collaboration with our Indian team, we have created the most detailed indian vocal library ever published. As a Rast classic we blended folkloric performances and patterns with playable solo instruments to offer a rich capability. India Vocals comes with endless improvisations, ready to play solo instruments with multiple styles and patterns full of inspiration.

Over 1GB for Kontakt & WAV
250+ samples
100+ Patterns
10 Playable Solo, Pattern, Phrase Vocal Instruments
Midi & Learning Sheets to Understand Harmonies
Improvisations, Phrases & Words

home page https://rastsound.com/downloads/india-vocals/

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