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Splice Sounds Billegal Sounds Premo and Blanketdragon IDM95 [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 65浏览

P2P | 08 July 2020 | 236 MB

Do you love glitch music? Do you attempt to produce it but always find that your drums suck?
Well suck no more my friend, the answer is here!

Introducing “Idm 95” a sample pack by premo & blanketdragon.

Billegal Sounds has teamed up with these two absolute glitch-heads to bring you a plentiful bounty of glitched out drum patterns and technical bass one shots, just what your tune needed in order to make your entire audience cream their jeans!

home page:https://splice.com/sounds/billegal-sounds/premo-blanketdragon-idm95

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