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Sonic Academy How To Use Knif Audio Knifonium with Protoculture [KONTAKT, TUTORiAL]

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 106浏览

P2P | 08 July 2020 | 259 MB

In this week’s short ‘How To Use’ video Protoculture’s checking out the awesome Knifonium synth available from Plugin Alliance.

This emulation of the pricey 26 tube monophonic synthesiser handcrafted in small batches each year is now more accessible for everyone to get their hand’s on, and here Nate demonstrates its own unique sound and what makes it stand out compared to others.

Check it out!

home page:https://www.sonicacademy.com/courses/knif-audio-knifonium-with-protoculture

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