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Ask Video Music Theory 109 Music Theory for DAW Musicians TUTORiAL-ADSR

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Description: Learning music theory is an excellent way to grow as a producer and musician. This course, by music teacher Joshua Carney, reveals how to apply music theory concepts in your music productions… without leaving the comfort of your DAW!
Learning music theory has many benefits: it lets you express your musical ideas more easily, it strengthens your communication with other musicians and can greatly improve your listening skills. In short, learning music theory lets you speak, write and understand the language of music. But like learning any new language, it can be tricky to know where to start, especially if you’ve never played a traditional musical instrument (like guitar, piano, etc.) and are using a DAW to create music. This is where this “Music Theory for DAW Musicians” course comes in. This course, specifically designed for DAW musicians and producers, is the missing link between learning your DAW and discovering music theory!
Joshua starts the course by explaining how to name and identify notes, both on the musical staff and in your DAW’s piano roll. He explains everything you need to know about accidentals (sharps and flats), tones and semitones. After teaching about pitch, he moves to rhythm. You learn all the different rhythm values and meters, and how they relate to grid editing.
With the help of the Circle of Fifths, you learn to build major and minor scales (including the melodic and harmonic minor scales) from scratch in the piano roll in all the different tonalities. You also discover how to build chords, create harmonies, create flowing chord progressions… and more!
So learn to connect the dots between your DAW and music theory concepts… Join Joshua Carney in this music theory journey now!

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