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Ink Audio Ink Steel [KONTAKT]

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 61浏览

0TH3Rside | 29 July 2020 | 145 MB

Ink Steel is an ambient pedal steel library for Kontakt that uses key switching to change between single notes and chord sets. Think more Daniel Lanois than Western Swing. And it’s really easy to use.

Ink Steel imitates pedal steel behavior by sustaining some notes while bending others. It’s split into two key switched sections and vibrato is added with the mod wheel.

Red key switches are for single notes. The white keys pitch bend within the major scale while the black keys do not. Transpose to different keys with the tuning knob in Kontakt.

Orange key switches are for pre-voiced chord sets that pitch bend differently. The white keys are for diatonic chords and the black keys are for other common chords.


  • Please see the manual for detailed info on key switch info.
  • 398 meg uncompressed
  • Requires KONTAKT v5.8.0 or higher.

home page:https://ink-audio.com/collections/frontpage/products/ink-steel

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